BAPA Meeting Minutes 3-16-10
Members Present: Ron & Diane H; Kelley K.; Lisa K & Connie Y; Charlie L; Dick S; Bill & Kate D; Ralph & Betty K.
The meeting was called to order by Pres. Kelly.
The February minutes were presented and approved.
There was no financial report.
Old Business:
- March 9th Kelley reported on his meeting with the Boone school board regarding our providing flights to the winners of the essays.
- BAPA will pick the top 6 first place winners from the chosen 18 for front seat rides.
- Essay topic ideas suggested by club members were: What does aviation do for our community; Exploring Iowa from the Air; Why is the Airport Important To Our Community; Exploring Career Opportunities in Aviation; Why I want to be a Pilot.
New Business:
- A get well card was passed around for Jan Bortz. The club sends her our best wishes.
- An update was given on future Boone airport expansion an improvement plans.
- August 18th an AF Reunion is being planned by Dave Morgan and Keith Campbell.
- The 2010 program is as follows:
Apr – Fran Laab
May – Bill Durbin
June – Rosene
July – open
August –plan for Farm Progress Show
Sept – Youngers
Oct – open
Nov –open
Dec –Christmas Party
The meeting was adjourned and the meeting was turned over to Dick S. who had the program. Dick had prepared a power point presentation on Nose Art on airplanes. There was a lot of history and many photographs of Nose Art through the years.
Respectfully submitted.
Diane Harland
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