BAPA Meeting Minutes 6-15-10
Members Present: Ron & Diane H; Frank D.; Fran L; Bill & Kate Durbin; Dick S; Bob & Dino R; Kelley K.
The meeting was called to order by President Kelley.
The May minutes were presented and approved.
Financial Report by Bob Rosene: Approved.
Deposits: Dues 10.00
Expenses: 48.56 (orange flag for follow me vehicle)
Balances on hand: Checking 391.89
Cash 29.52
Money Market CD 2107.38
Total Assets: 2528.79
Old Business:
Thanks to Dino and Kelley for pulling weeds around the airport sign.
New Business:
Plans for the Farm Progress Show are as follows:
The airport will check with the National Guard about parking jets there.
The National Guard will paint the helicopter if the airport will provide the paint.
The 2010 program is as follows:
July – Meet at Boone and plan for Farm Progress Show & 8th Air Force Reunion & Military Appreciation Day on August 14th at the Boone Airport
August –flight to Anita to eat out
Sept – Youngers
Oct – open
Nov –open
Dec –Christmas Party
Discussion was held regarding BAPA hosting a Saturday flight breakfast. It was decided that Saturday was better for us than Sunday. After looking at the 2010 IA flight breakfast schedule and this year’s BAPA schedule, it was decided to plan to host this in 2011. The local VFW is willing to handle all the food. They offer a $5 biscuit, gravy, and fried potatoes breakfast.
It was decided we need to make a specific invitation to join BAPA to all those who fly out of the Boone airport. Dave has a mailing list. We will use next month’s meeting to address and stuff envelopes to invite local pilots to join. **Connie will ask if Jeff could write the letter.
We have 8 or 10 past members who have not paid their dues for this year. It is still $10 per year. We encourage all interested people receiving this email to send their dues to Bob Rosene at 1609 Kate Shelley Dr, Boone IA 50036 or leave it at the Boone Airport.
The meeting was adjourned and the meeting was turned over to Bob R. who had the program. Mike Vogt spoke. He is the curator of the Iowa Gold Star Museum in Johnston. It is located in Camp Dodge and has free admission. It is open Mon – Sat 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., closed holidays and holiday weekends. It honors all Iowan’s contributions to the defense of our state and nation down through history.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Harland
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