Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
BAPA November meeting minutes
Members present: Fran & Alice L; Bill D; Lisa & Connie Y; Ralph & Betty K; Dave & Lynn W.; Dick
S; Kelley K; Diane H; Andy & Deanne V; Bob & Dino R and Roger F.
1. President Kelley called the meeting to order.
2. Treasurer’s Report was presented by Bob Rosene: Approved.
20.00 dues
17.60 stamps
Balances on Hand:
Cash on Hand
Money Market $2,125.24
Total Balances $2456.25
3. Old Business: Lisa announced that the Christmas party will be December 14th at the
Iowa Stater Restaurant inside the Gateway Hotel, Intersection of Hwy 30 and University
Blvd, Ames. The plans are to have a social time at 6:30 with dinner starting at 7:00.
After the meal we will move down to the lobby area for our gift exchange. Tuesday’s
special is “$10 on Tuesday”. Their normal $20 entrees will be $10. The gift exchange
limit is $10. Please label the gift for man/woman/ or either. Lisa needs a head count by
Dec 7th for the restaurant.
4. New Business: The new slate of 2011 officers were announced (or railroaded)
President: Fran Laabs
Vice President: TBD
Treasurer: Alice Laabs
Secretary: Diane Harland
5. Lisa suggested that we fix up a care box for the military. It was decided to bring items
to the Christmas party for the care box. Suggestions were, Chap Stick, small hotel size
shampoos, lotions, etc. Lisa will be sending out more suggestions later after she gets a
list of needed items.
6. Bob R suggested that we raise the dues to $15.00 so we would have funds to help
charitable causes such as the military or food pantry. It was passed. Dues will be $15
per couple this coming year. You can bring the dues to the Christmas party on the 14th.
7. Kelley gave an update on giving Susie Richmond’s 8th grade students the promised ride
in a plane.
The meeting was adjourned and Dick Schneider gave the program on 1st generation German jet
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Join us for the 2010 Boone Area Pilots Assn. Holiday Gathering!

The 2010 BAPA Holiday Gathering will be held on Tuesday, December 14th at the Iowa Stater Restaurant inside the Gateway Center Hotel in Ames. The Iowa Stater is a casual restaurant featuring fun ambiance and a nice selection of "comfort foods." We will be ordering off of their menu and lucky for us, Tuesdays are "$10 On Tuesday" special nights! Normally $20 entrees are just $10! Plan to gather in the restaurant social area at 6:30 for a cash bar and other treats. We'll be seated for dinner at 7 and when we have finished, we can move down to their lobby area for our gift exchange. I thought it would be nice to have everyone bring a plate of Christmas cookies to share during the gift exchange. How does that sound? The gift exchange limit is $10 and please don't include gag gifts this year...we want REAL stuff! Please label your gift as for either a man, a woman or either. If the weather is really bad, use your own discretion. BAPA members are very loyal (!) and we have fought raging blizzards to make it to holiday gatherings. But still, use your discretion and put safety first. If anyone from Boone wants to carpool, let us all know. We could meet at CYA and go from there. If you are coming from out of town, you might consider an overnight stay at the Gateway that night..a fun pre-holiday overnight with your special someone, perhaps?
I have asked that you sign up by DEC. 7th so I can let the restaurant know how many to expect. You can email me directly at, or there will be a signup sheet at CYA. Family, guests and prospective BAPA members are welcome to attend with you. Dress is business-casual..or you can get dolled up in your best holiday garb, or don your Cyclone spirit colors! We usually have some sort of little game or program to share, so plan on something fun before opening gifts. I hope we have a great turnout and great weather to go with it! If you have questions, just holler. The Gateway Hotel is near the intersection of Highway 30 and University Boulevard, near the football stadium and Iowa State Center. OH...don't forget to bring your 2011 dues if you haven't paid up yet. Dues are $15 per couple or individual per year. Thanks! See you on the 14th, I hope!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
BAPA October Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Ron & Diane H; Fran & Alice L; Dick S; Bob & Dino R; Kelley K; Connie Y; Lisa K;
1. Pres. Kelley called the meeting to order.
2. Bob R gave the financial report.
Treasurer’s Report was presented by Bob Rosene: Approved.
Income 10.00 dues
Expenses 23.00 flowers
85.58 coffee pots
Balances on Hand:
Checking $277.34
Cash On Hand 29.52
Money Market $2,107.38
Total Balances $2,414.24
3. Susie Richmond still wants to have plane rides for the 8th grade students that were not able to ride last summer. Plans are to do it on a Saturday in November.
4. The BAPA membership drive is still open. We have two who have joined. It was moved, seconded, and passed that new member dues for those who join between now and the end of the year apply to their 2011 dues in full.
5. Lisa discussed the Christmas party plans. We would like to have it December 14th as a first choice and December 7th as a second choice. Lisa will check the Gigglin Goat, the Gateway Hotel, and other restaurants and send out information to the club.
6. The program was presented by Harley Weyer about his time spent working with NASA.
Respectfully submitted.
Diane Harland
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Military Appreciation Day Schedule of Presentations
10:00 Brig General Gregory Schwab - Color Guard and Raising of the Flag
10:45 Mike Vogt - Iowa Gold Star Museum
11:00-1:00 LUNCH by the Boone Veteran’s Council
1:00 FAA - Presenting the Wright Brothers Award for 50 Years of Flying to Claire Harper, WWII and B-17 pilot
1:30 Dick Schneider - Nose Art Presentation
2:00 Paul Nelson - Norden Bomb Sight Presentation
Catch all or part of the day at the Boone Municipal Airport. Free!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
BAPA minutes for July 2010
Members Present: Ron & Diane H; Fran & Alice L; Dick S; Bob & Dino R; Kelley K; Connie Y; Lisa K;
Bob Rosene led the planning meeting for the Farm Progress Show.
Guests to help plan were Bill Uhl and Don Sandell.
Fran, Alice, Bob, and Dino went to the Decatur show to learn what to do here.
Lines need to be painted on the grass to help park aircraft.
Van Wall will probably provide some vehicle equipment.
Sygenta will probably provide donuts and coffee.
We would like for Charlie Lloyd to head up communication.
Two way communication radios will be provided for field personnel.
The business meeting was called to order by President Kelley.
The June minutes were presented and approved.
Treasurer’s Report was presented by Bob Rosene: Approved.
Income -0-
Expenses -0-
Balances on Hand:
Checking $414.39
Cash on Hand 29.52
Money Market $2,107.38
Total Balances $2,551.29
The BAPA grill ran out of LP gas. Payment was approved to pay Ron Harland $34.22 for two tanks of LP. It was also decided to purchase two 30 cup coffee makers from Ron Harland at $39.99 each.
Invitation letters were printed to invite all pilots associated with the Boone airport to join BAPA. Lisa volunteered to address envelopes to send to the prospective members. BAPA will pay the postage.
Dave presented plans for the Military Appreciation Day on August 14th from 8 AM – 3 PM to be held at BNW. Several war bird aircraft and special activities are being planned. Please call Dave at the airport to volunteer to help. We need volunteers for:
Aircraft registration
Aircraft parking
People haulers
Traffic control
Beverage oversight
Sight assistance
Set up and tear down (tables, etc)
Public announcement person
The remaining 2010 program list is as follows:
August –flight to Anita to eat out
Sept – Younger’s
Oct – open
Nov –open
Dec –Christmas Party
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Harland
Sunday, July 18, 2010
June BAPA Minutes
Members Present: Ron & Diane H; Frank D.; Fran L; Bill & Kate Durbin; Dick S; Bob & Dino R; Kelley K.
The meeting was called to order by President Kelley.
The May minutes were presented and approved.
Financial Report by Bob Rosene: Approved.
Deposits: Dues 10.00
Expenses: 48.56 (orange flag for follow me vehicle)
Balances on hand: Checking 391.89
Cash 29.52
Money Market CD 2107.38
Total Assets: 2528.79
Old Business:
Thanks to Dino and Kelley for pulling weeds around the airport sign.
New Business:
Plans for the Farm Progress Show are as follows:
The airport will check with the National Guard about parking jets there.
The National Guard will paint the helicopter if the airport will provide the paint.
The 2010 program is as follows:
July – Meet at Boone and plan for Farm Progress Show & 8th Air Force Reunion & Military Appreciation Day on August 14th at the Boone Airport
August –flight to Anita to eat out
Sept – Youngers
Oct – open
Nov –open
Dec –Christmas Party
Discussion was held regarding BAPA hosting a Saturday flight breakfast. It was decided that Saturday was better for us than Sunday. After looking at the 2010 IA flight breakfast schedule and this year’s BAPA schedule, it was decided to plan to host this in 2011. The local VFW is willing to handle all the food. They offer a $5 biscuit, gravy, and fried potatoes breakfast.
It was decided we need to make a specific invitation to join BAPA to all those who fly out of the Boone airport. Dave has a mailing list. We will use next month’s meeting to address and stuff envelopes to invite local pilots to join. **Connie will ask if Jeff could write the letter.
We have 8 or 10 past members who have not paid their dues for this year. It is still $10 per year. We encourage all interested people receiving this email to send their dues to Bob Rosene at 1609 Kate Shelley Dr, Boone IA 50036 or leave it at the Boone Airport.
The meeting was adjourned and the meeting was turned over to Bob R. who had the program. Mike Vogt spoke. He is the curator of the Iowa Gold Star Museum in Johnston. It is located in Camp Dodge and has free admission. It is open Mon – Sat 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., closed holidays and holiday weekends. It honors all Iowan’s contributions to the defense of our state and nation down through history.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Harland
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
May BAPA minutes
BAPA Meeting Minutes 5-18-10
Members Present: Ron & Diane H; Frank D.; Fran & Alice L; Bill & Kate Durbin; Jeff L; Dick S.
The meeting was called to order by V Pres Fran.
The April minutes were presented and approved.
Financial Report:
Deposits: Dues 10.00
Balances on hand: Checking 430.45
Total Assets:
Old Business:
- The results of the hanger dance were discussed. It was considered a success.
- Landscaping has been done around the airport sign. Thanks to everyone who helped. More will be done this fall.
New Business:
- The 2010 program is as follows:
June – Rosene
July – open
August –plan for Farm Progress Show
Sept – Younger’s
Oct – open
Nov –open
Dec –Christmas Party
The meeting was adjourned and the meeting was turned over to Bill D. who had the program.
Bill announced the winner of the spot landing competition. Those participating were Bill, Frank, Jeff, Fran, & Ron. Frank D. was the winner. Congratulations Frank!
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Harland
Monday, April 26, 2010
Come to the HANGAR DANCE on May 15 !
Hangar Dance 2010,
featuring the Boone Big Band.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The public is invited to the Boone Municipal Airport for an evening of food, music, dancing and airplane displays.
The Dinner-Dance will be held on Saturday, May 15th, 2010, with dinner starting at 6 pm and music and dancing from 7-10 pm. The Boone VFW will be providing a pork loin dinner for $10 per person. No reservations are required. Dinner will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
The Boone Big Band performance is free of charge, but donations are always welcome and help support the Band and their community activities.
Dancing is always encouraged but not required. Plenty of seating will be available for those wanting to listen to wonderful big band sounds and visit with family and friends.
In addition, a number of locally-built airplanes will be on display, courtesy of W&C Aircraft Works of Boone and individual owners. Most were built with the help of W&C Aircraft Works, who have earned many national awards for outstanding workmanship.
The Boone Big Band is comprised of 21 members from Boone, Ames, Madrid, Ogden and several other central-Iowa communities. The Big Band members are a very gifted group of musicians and are thrilled to once again be performing at the Boone Airport.
For more information, please call (515) 432-1018.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
BAPA April Meeting Minutes
Minutes for BAPA meeting held Tuesday evening, April 20, 2010.
Thanks to Fran for preparing the program for this evening. It was a beautiful evening for flying and four planes with 7 members participated in the “precision” flour drop. Big winner for the evening was Jeff Lorimor, second place went to the team of Bill & Kate Durbin. However, all participants enjoyed competing and the opportunity to fly on a clear, quiet evening. Thanks also to Dick Schneider for photographing and judging.
Meeting called to order by President Kelley Kokemiller. Members present: Connie Younger, Bill & Kate Durbin, Jeff & Peg Lorimor, Dick Schneider, Dirk Scholten, Bob & Dino Rosene, Frank DeBartelo, Kelly Kokemiller, and Fran & Alice Laabs.
Fran made a motion to accept March minutes as sent, Jeff seconded. Bob Rosene gave treasurer’s report. We have $420.45 in checking; $29.52 cash on hand and $2,107.38 in our money market.
Kelley & Dave Morgan gave a report on preparations being made for the Military Appreciation Day/8th Air Force Reunion to be held August 14 from 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. at the Boone Airport. There will be aircraft and military equipment on display, among them a P51, 3 T6s, L4, L5, Stearman. Food will be provided and served by the Boone VFW for a charge of $7. BAPA will provide coffee and doughnuts and other beverages (ice tea, lemonade, water) with a donation jar to cover costs. Local TV and radio stations will be notified and announcements will be sent to area airports. BAPA has been asked to assist with setting up tables and chairs, parking cars and planes, shuttling guests, helping publicize, and cleanup.
Kelley reported Susie Richmond was denied by the School Board to be involved in rewarding the essay winners with a plane ride due to liability considerations. She would still like to make it happen by making it an activity not associated with the school. Dave Kalwishky indicated Chapter 135 EAA would be willing to assist with providing rides. Fran made a motion to have Dave talk with Susie to schedule this, Bill seconded. BAPA will provide assistance as needed.
Peg mentioned planting flowers by the Airport sign. Peg & Dino will set up a time in early May to purchase the plants and will send an email requesting assistance in planting. We discussed applying fertilizer and possibly getting mulch from the displays after the Farm Progress Show.
Connie announced a dinner and Hangar Dance will be held Saturday, May 15. Dinner will be served by the VFW from 6-7 p.m. and the dance held from 7-10 p.m. BAPA will assist with setting up tables, publicity, serving popcorn, and clean up.
Connie made a motion to adjourn. Jeff seconded. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Alice Laabs
Secretary, Pro-Tem
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
BAPA minutes for March 2010
BAPA Meeting Minutes 3-16-10
Members Present: Ron & Diane H; Kelley K.; Lisa K & Connie Y; Charlie L; Dick S; Bill & Kate D; Ralph & Betty K.
The meeting was called to order by Pres. Kelly.
The February minutes were presented and approved.
There was no financial report.
Old Business:
- March 9th Kelley reported on his meeting with the Boone school board regarding our providing flights to the winners of the essays.
- BAPA will pick the top 6 first place winners from the chosen 18 for front seat rides.
- Essay topic ideas suggested by club members were: What does aviation do for our community; Exploring Iowa from the Air; Why is the Airport Important To Our Community; Exploring Career Opportunities in Aviation; Why I want to be a Pilot.
New Business:
- A get well card was passed around for Jan Bortz. The club sends her our best wishes.
- An update was given on future Boone airport expansion an improvement plans.
- August 18th an AF Reunion is being planned by Dave Morgan and Keith Campbell.
- The 2010 program is as follows:
Apr – Fran Laab
May – Bill Durbin
June – Rosene
July – open
August –plan for Farm Progress Show
Sept – Youngers
Oct – open
Nov –open
Dec –Christmas Party
The meeting was adjourned and the meeting was turned over to Dick S. who had the program. Dick had prepared a power point presentation on Nose Art on airplanes. There was a lot of history and many photographs of Nose Art through the years.
Respectfully submitted.
Diane Harland
Monday, April 12, 2010
New hangar construction begins
Rolling out the carpet
Kelley Kokemiller's RV-9

Kelley Kokemiller ran the engine on his RV-9 for the first time on March 29 and will have it flying soon. The painting was done at W&C Aircraft Works. Kelley is president of Boone Area Pilots Association and also owns a Piper Colt.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
BAPA Meeting Minutes 2-16-10
Members Present: Ron & Diane H; Fran & Alice L; Kelley K.; Connie Y.
The meeting was called to order by Pres. Kelley.
The January minutes were presented and approved.
The financial report was given by Kelley. The club’s CD has matured. Alice moved, Fran seconded to renew the CD. Motion carried.
Dues 20.00
Interest .06
Boone Comm School $342.79
(supplies for Susie Richmond’s class on flight)
Balance on hand Checking $400.41
Balance on hand Cash $29.52
Old Business:
- None.
New Business:
- March 9th Kelley will go to the Boone School Board meeting to present the club’s plan for flights offered as prizes for essays written. They wanted permission forms to remove the school from liability.
- Susie offered for the club to help pick the top essay winners. It was decided to let the teachers pick the 18 winners and then BAPA will pick the top 6 first place winners from the chosen 18.
- Essay topic ideas suggested by club members were: What does aviation do for our community; Exploring Iowa From the Air; Why is the Airport Important To Our Community; Exploring Career Opportunities in Aviation;and Why I want to be a Pilot.
- The 2010 program is as follows:
Mar – Dick Schneider
Apr – Fran Laab
May – Bill Durbin
June – Rosene
July – open
August –plan for Farm Progress Show
Sept – Youngers
Oct – open
Nov –open
Dec –Christmas Party
The meeting was adjourned and the meeting was turned over to Ron H. who had the program. Ron led an interactive course from AOPA on line.
Respectfully submitted.
Diane Harland